Baby Jogger City Mini GT & GT Double 2019 is getting a full makeover and it looks Awesome! Its now called the City Mini GT2 and the City Mini Double GT2.
Click Here to Pre-Order the Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2019 Stroller!
The 2019 city mini GT2 will be available in 5 colors.The all new sleek look gives the baby jogger a futuristic feel yet the simplicity of the city mini remains intact!
Theres now a calf support that lifts up making the GT great for sleeping babys. Thats a huge upgrade :)! It is also self standing when folded. Really great improvements to the current GT model.
The retail price does increase a bit from to 399.99 but well worth the upgrade if you're looking for a sleeker looking stroller.

The Patented baby jogger fold is amazing. Simply lift a strap with one hand, and the City Mini folds instantly in one step. New for 2019, the City Mini also includes a self-standing fold that makes the stroller easier to store and lift into the car.
In addition, the 2019 model will include include adjustable calf support that keep your child comfortable as she grows, a magnetized peek-a-boo-window, and included car seat adapters.
Baby Jogger 2019 Release Date:
The 2019 City Mini Stroller expected to be available in Spring 2019 for $279.99. Click Here to pre-order the City Mini 2019 Stroller!
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